About the author
From an early age, Jonathan Barlow Gee was interested in “new age” topics such as the lost global civilization of Atlantis. He developed his interest in “occult esoterica” in his high school library in the mid-1990’s, reading Time-Life’s series “Mysteries of the Unknown.” Following college and determined to present his own learning to the world, Gee wrote his first magnum opus: the “Metaphysician’s Desk Reference,” in 2001-2 which he had published in 2003.
Immediately following this work, Gee set out to crack the “Enochian code” and, in 2004, he presented a series of classes on the subject at a local new age bookstore – the result of this is the work currently called “Metatron’s Wings.” In 2005, Gee dove into the “dark arts” with “the Tree of Death and the Qliphoth,” Continuing to study Gnostic Apocrypha through 2006, Gee joined and left a local “Illuminati-Order” group-forum in 2007 and began what maybe his most massive work: the “Pythagorean Order of Death” – officially established from 2008 onward. Since this time, Gee acquired the title of “Reverend” in the “Hawaiian Cannabis Ministry” through the “Universal Life Church” online, has written over 100 e-books, produced over 1000 videos (including 123 lecture videos and 200 music videos), released remixes of over 1000 songs including 50 tracks featuring his vocals.
In the early to mid-2020’s a resurgence of interest in Rev Gee’s work began with the publication of the “Tree of Death.” Much, if not all, of Rev Gee’s works can still be found online by googling the screen-name “benpadiah.”
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The "esoteric and initiated" library
As of 2024, there are 17 items on this shelf: the first two, “4 elements” and “42” (as well as “brief QBLH”) should be included into “Magick 101” (of 428 pages, which contains “QBLH,” “Gnosticism,” “Tarot” and “Ritual”). The three primary “Enochian” works are “Metatron’s Wings” (of 156 pages, which includes the “Atlantean Calendar”), “AinE” and “Liber Loagaeth.” “Raziel,” “Nb2” and “TOD” are independent works on specific traditions. The last two, “Abramelin” and “EnoGem” are excerpted parts of “AinE” just like the 4 shorter books are parts of “Magick 101.”
The “Magick 101” collection
1. “On QBLH” (which contains “A Brief Essay on QBLH”);
2. “Gnosticism;”
3. “Tarot;”
4. “Ritual.”
“Magick: Ritual 101” in specific

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